With their shimmering silver coats and amiable personalities, it’s no wonder Silver Labrador Retrievers have surged in popularity over the last 20 years. But since Silvers are not yet recognized as an official color by major kennel clubs, some owners wonder – do they experience more health problems than the traditional Black, Yellow, and Chocolate Labs. In this post we talk about What Health Issues Are Common in Silver Labs.
Overall, Silver Labs share the same genetic background and inherited conditions as other Lab colors. However, there are a few health issues Silver Lab owners should know about. Here’s what to watch for to ensure your unique Lab lives their healthiest, happiest life.
Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
One of the most common inherited afflictions seen in Labs of any shade is hip and elbow dysplasia. This painful joint disease arises when the hip and elbow joints fail to develop properly. This causes loosening, grinding, and eventually arthritis between the bones over time.
Silver Labs with dysplastic joints often show lameness starting around 5-14 months old as the condition progresses. Owners may notice bunny-hopping runs, difficulty standing up or climbing stairs, and reluctance to exercise or play. There is no cure, but various treatments can ease discomfort. Responsible breeders screen parent dogs to minimize risks.
Ear and Skin Infections
Floppy, furry ears and folds of skin that rub together provide prime areas for bacteria and yeast to thrive in Labs. Moisture getting trapped between skin folds enables smelly bacterial or fungal infections to crop up. This can plague any color Lab but may stand out more against Silver Labs’ pale coats.
Owners should check Silver Labs’ ears and skin folds regularly for redness, odors, discharge, or debris. Gently clean out ears after swimming and baths using proper veterinary cleansers. See the vet promptly with any signs of infection, and use prescribed medicated shampoos. Keep excess skin folds dry, and trim fur between toes and pads to prevent problems.
Eye Issues
Labs, especially those with lighter pigment, may be prone to a few hereditary eye disorders. These include cataracts causing cloudy lenses, progressive retinal atrophy leading to blindness, entropion with inward-rolling eyelids irritating the surface of the eyeball, and ectropion where droopy eyelids fail to protect and distribute tears properly.
Catching such conditions early maximizes treatment potential to slow vision loss. Towards this goal, Silver Lab breeders should test parent dogs for genetic eye disease and only breed those with healthy status in the Canine Eye Registration Foundation database. Silver Labs used for breeding should also undergo annual eye exams by a veterinary ophthalmologist.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
As with many large breed dogs, Labrador Retrievers are at increased risk for DCM. This serious condition weakens and enlarges the heart muscle, eventually leading to lethal irregular rhythms and congestive heart failure. Tragically, many dogs die with no warning in apparent cardiac arrest.
Recent studies identified a potential genetic influence on DCM risk in Labrador Retrievers, though diet, hormonal, and environmental influences may also contribute. Discuss performing occasional ECG screening tests with your veterinarian, and report any episodes of collapse, weakness, or labored breathing immediately. Breeders should perform cardiac testing prior to mating dogs.
Allergy Management
While not wholly unique to Silver Labs, allergies deserve mention as a common problem in the breed. Just like their Black, Yellow, and Chocolate counterparts, Silver Labs can suffer from environmental allergy triggers leading to itchy skin, hot spots, ear infections, and gastrointestinal issues.
Catching allergies early simplifies managing flare-ups long term through approaches like dietary modification, supplements, antihistamines, medicated baths, and immunotherapy. Keeping coats well groomed can also help minimize pollen, dander, and dirt buildup next to the skin. Discuss options tailored to your Silver Lab’s needs with your veterinarian.
Prioritizing Silver Lab Health
While Silver Labradors may dazzle the eye with their lustrous metallic sheen, this newly popular color variety requires the same diligent health stewardship as any Lab. Prioritize regular veterinary care, be vigilant for signs of infection, maintain optimal body condition, feed a high quality diet, and ensure pets and parents undergo all recommended screen testing. Follow these steps for your best chance at minimizing issues in stunning Silver Labs! I hope this What Health Issues Are Common in Silver Labs post helps you.